Hpv high risk genitourinary

Hpv warts signs and symptoms

hpv high risk genitourinary

The incidence of infection in the genital and perigenital areas in hpv high risk genitourinary is much lower than in adults, and is most commonly caused by the serotypes HPV 6 and Although it was considered that HPV sub-classification in skin and mucosal types identifies the specific topography of lesions, recent studies have shown HPV types in various locations, in both children and adults.

Given the theoretically long latency period of the virus from 3 weeks to 8 monthsit is difficult to identify the modality of infection, as there are multiple possible routes of transmission: vertical perinatalself- or heteroinoculation. Diagnosis of condyloma acuminatum in a child must exclude a possible sexual abuse every time. We show the cases of four children who came for the occurrence of soft, non-keratotic papules, some looking like a cauliflower, localized in the genital, hpv high risk genitourinary and perianal areas.

hpv high risk genitourinary

The general and local clinical examination revealed no direct or indirect signs of sexual abuse, the usual tests were within normal limits and we did not identify other sexually transmitted infections. A combined treatment was administered: cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen °C or podophyllotoxin sol.

hpv high risk genitourinary

The age of these patients was another challenge. Checks conducted periodically over 12 months revealed no relapse or the appearance of new lesions in the genital or perigenital areas.

hpv high risk genitourinary
