Hepatic cancer diagnosis. Traducere "a liver fluke" în română

hepatic cancer diagnosis

White paper — liver cancer Clinical uses for CT Liver Analysis application contouring CT is of major importance in the management of primary liver cancer and liver metastasis for treatment planning, monitoring, and follow up.

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However, the assessment of total and functional liver volume, lesion volume, and location hepatic cancer diagnosis to functional liver segments and vessels can be time consuming with conventional image post processing tools. This material is not for distribution in the USA The clinical need There is clinical evidence that complete tumor removal is still the only treatment of primary liver cancers or metastases that can ensure acceptable long-term survival and cure in some patients.

What Are the Symptoms of Liver Cancer?

However, due to the continuous development of various tools, liver tumor surgery is no longer the sole treatment. This has led to the consideration in most cases of a multidisciplinary management of these patients.

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Taking advantage of the power of the IntelliSpace Portal platform, the liver analysis application is an outstanding tool for extracting information from a liver CT, communicating this information to physicians and surgeons, planning the strategy for patient management, and for guiding surgery.

This robust application automatically identifies and extracts the liver using Enhanced Zero-click Performance.

Cele mai comune tipuri de cancere hepatice sunt: Carcinomul hepatocelular HCC Carcinomul hepatocelular poate avea modele de creștere diferite. Unele dintre ele se răspândesc sub formă de tentacule în interiorul ficatului, altele încep ca o singură tumoră care se extinde în alte părți ale ficatului, pe măsură ce se dezvoltă boala, iar altele se dezvoltă ca noduli în mai multe locuri diferite ale ficatului. Colangiocarcinomul Un colangiocarcinom se dezvoltă în celulele din conductele biliare.

It then semi-automatically segments the liver for a comprehensive analysis and quantification of clinical informaiton. Once hepatic cancer diagnosis segmentation is done, the resulting volume can be used for simple preplanning of the RF ablation of individual lesions or of partial liver resection.

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